About NIT
Akira Yanagisawa
Nurturing Engineers for over 110 Years
Nippon Institute of Technology (NIT) has over 110 years of history since it was incorporated as an educational institution. It is one of the oldest technical institutions in Japan. Its educational purpose was, and still is, to nurture engineers.
In modern history, it is not exaggerating to say that Japan has played an important role among the world's industrialized nations. The key to Japan's industrial power is high production quality, plus quality work in research and development. The key players were engineers with high capabilities. NIT has produced numerous quality engineers to support the industry of Japan.
Our educational policy is to nurture engineers with a good balance between theory and practice, rich in practical skills, and capable of giving consideration to global cooperation and to the environment. With this policy in mind, we as a university always make sure to maintain ourselves as one of the best educational facilities and research laboratories. We also have excellent professors with many practical results that have been introduced as innovative techniques in industrial circles. Some of their works are ongoing as joint ventures with global companies.
Day after day, professors and students at NIT work together in the innovation of technology. The majority of our students are from across Japan, and the remainder coming from overseas. The overseas students are very much exposed to Japanese culture through interactions with Japanese students. They take various paths in life after graduation; some go back to their home country with their degree while others continue to live and work in Japan.
In order to discover technology, it is very important to see it firsthand, to 'touch' it, and to use it. The best and the most effective way is to be part of where technology is born and where it is used.
As future engineers with great abilities, it would be a good decision for you to come to Japan and study at NIT.