Notification of suspension, Japanese Langage Coursefor Overseas Students(Bekka) at Nippon Institute of Technology(NIT)
Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation in our educational and research activities.
We have decided to stop accepting applications for the Japanese Language Program for International Students in 2022.
We would like to ask for the understanding of all concerned.
If you have any questions about the "Entrance Examination for International Students" in any of the faculties of NIT, please contact us at the following address.
Admissions Office for Overseas Students,
Nippon Institute of Technology
4-1, Gakuen-dai, Miyashiro-machi, Minami-Saitama-gun, Saitama 345-8501, Japan
Tel: +81-480-33-7547, Fax: +81-480-33-7563